Benefits From Observing Nature

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We connect with spirit in many ways. Art expresses the inner self while music transports to realms of new insights and self-discovery. Observing nature also opens horizons of new perspectives as we progressively move through life. Nature can whisk us on to the very core of our spirit and soul.DSCN0310

Connecting with nature through mindful observation provides countless opportunities to learn, grow, gain wisdom, receive guidance, and resolve difficult situations. Views of nature become more active and less passive when you integrate and partner with nature instead of being apart from nature. When you pause in a garden, merely letting the cares and concerns of the day slip by, you may find yourself visited by a butterfly, bird, or small woodland residents like a chipmunk or squirrel. Stay a while longer, sit on the grass among the flowers, mindfully pick out one personal concern then give it out to the Universe. For example, “What can I do to begin improving my life”? Then, let the thought go and return to simply watching and observing the butterflies, birds, and chipmunks. Nature becomes your partner as you follow the inhabitants, watching them with not only the eyes of an observer but the eyes of a participant. Observe, seeing if any of them or anything new presents itself, mainly if they do something unusual. Then ask yourself and the Universe how this may or may not relate to your question.

A dear friend of mine often said, “Remember to look to the little things.” Maybe the butterfly lands on your nose, followed with the thought, “The answer is as plain as the nose on your face.” So, you move on to the next level, by seeking further insights. Crow1Suddenly, a crow incessantly caws ruining your solitude… but is he? He annoyingly returns a few more times, nothing else happens, so you despairingly leave the garden to attend your day’s activities.

For some reason, that irritating old crow returns to your mind. What a pain! It persistently interrupted your wonder-filled moments of solitude by coming back time after time cawing and cawing, sometimes close enough to slap. What made that crow act like it did? Curiosity causes you to study crows. Your study leads to a book that moves beyond their physical characteristics and on to their spiritual qualities. You discover crows depict personal truth.  The answer rings clear, all the pieces come together as the answer to your question reveals itself. “What can I do to begin improving my life”? Begin by being true to your self or walking in your own truth instead of someone else’s.

Another example with the same circumstances, but this time, you just want to sit in a garden for relaxation. Without posing questions to the Universe, being quiet and alone are your only goals… but the crow still keeps coming by. That afternoon, the next day, or a week later, something happens, causing you to return to those moments with the crow in your mind. Perhaps you found yourself in a situation where you know you should have followed your feelings and “spoken your truth,” but you didn’t. Then you did the same research and found the same reference of speaking your truth, honoring your truth, or practically speaking, be true to yourself. In the first instance, you sought guidance. In the second, the Universe provided the crow to teach a valuable life lesson. Nature provides countless examples when you take time out of your day to simply enjoy being a part of nature.

Learning to look beyond the academics of species and genders opens up our hearts and spirits to infinite lessons and practical teachings, transforming us into better people. We enjoy spring at The Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina. Everything is brimming with life. The rose gardens near the conservatory are effervescent with the aromas of roses. Consider a tea rose. The tea rose is classified as flora, plant life, a flower… simply a flower. But it may not be that simple. Certain specific characteristics classify it further as a rose then, depending on who identified or created the strain, the particular group, and type of tea rose is determined. That is one view. Our senses begin to awaken feelings. Focusing on the gentle fragrance blended with delicate beauty, we are transported to another dimension of appreciation. Like the aroma of freshly baked bread stimulates our physical appetite for physical nourishment, the rose may stimulate spiritual nourishment. The spiritual applications are endless, limited only by our current needs in life. This takes us to the next step.

We may be facing a dilemma in life that may appear complicated, layered with countless alternatives. A nature walk seems an appropriate tonic for our muddled confusion. While walking, we stop short of stepping on a small wild rose, still in its budding stage. For some unknown reason, the little bud seems to call us in for a closer look. We observe enough of the small rose to see shades of pink blended with a bit of pastel yellow. Scrutiny adds a delicate aroma to our observation. Looking around, we see it is alone in the dirt, with no apparent support or help.

A gentle feeling begins to envelop us like a warm and tender hug from a loved one. This little rose will soon become a beacon of beauty out of the dirt. Creator will help open the petals, so it can become what it is meant to be. Then, the practical application blossoms, presenting an answer to our dilemma! If Creator can unfold petals of beauty out of just a root and some dirt, what can happen in our lives if we stop trying to do everything for ourselves? If we relinquish control to Creator and the Universe, what beautiful creation can come from the apparent dilemma? We return our thoughts to the conundrum with another view. We claim a renewed assurance that circumstances can work themselves out and hopeless situations fade. As long as we stay focused and devote ourselves to the given task, the Universe can handle the details. All this, from watching and observing a little rose… paying attention to a seemingly insignificant part of nature; watching a small thing. Think of the other treasures that await our discovery.

Several avenues transport us into the environments providing opportunities to get away from the ruts of life and back to nature. A hike in the woods nearby, caring for the small garden in an urban setting, or weekend volunteer ventures that benefit the environment. Take your choice, but begin by strolling and enjoying simple truths taught through nature.

We desire to learn how to become better people or better souls. These desires can be met by observing nature. The cliché “getting back to nature” suggests something has been left behind or ignored from life. Perhaps we should reclaim the wealth of knowledge available to us through taking time to observe and become a part of the natural world around us.

Silent Walking



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  1. Linda Kuzyk Avatar
    Linda Kuzyk

    Hi, Kevin. I love your website and enjoyed reading your blog entry. I just wanted to let you know that I have taken a glimpse into your world. I hope to see you soon. Love, Linda

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